Bibliotecas, Bibliotecas e mais Bibliotecas:
A história de Gilgamesh:
Faz parte de um site interessante:
Um link que tem a ver com o dia 8 de Março:
20 de Março: Dia internacinal da “francofonia”:
“Le Printemps des Poètes”:
Tabaco, e mais tabaco:
As consequências da “Guerra do golfo”, informação de e sobre
antigos soldados americanos:
Um site oficial sobre o mesmo tema:
“Motivos” para a guerra no Iraque:
The Thirty Year Itch
The Heritage Foundation ( as ideias que movem os USA):
The Future of a Post-Saddam Iraq: A Blueprint for American Involvement:
Recomendação de um livro extremamente actual (de 1969):
“Language in America;
a report in our deterioriating semantic environment”
Editado por Neil Postman, Charles Weingartner & Terence P. Moran
“The effect of many people saying what in fact they do not believe
is that the semantic environment becomes polluted.
And a badly polluted semantic environment means that language is
an unreliable instrument for human communication and therefore not
reliable for the resolution of human problems.
In considering the ecology of the semantic environment, we must take into
account what is called the communications revolution. The invention
of of new and various media of comunication has given a voice and an
audience to many people whose opinions would otherwise not be solicited,
and who, in fact, have little if anything to contribute to public issues.
But if one must write a column every day, or an article every week, or
answer complicated questions in thirty seconds, one is soon responsible
for more nonsense that can be retracted in a lifetime.
Of course, the protection of our semantic environment does require expertise.
But even more, it requires concern.
The most bizarre possibility of all is that our schools wil wiil take
seriously such an idea ……. and provide an education of the rational
use of language. Such an effort would require teachers to take a serious
interest in reality.”
Cumprimentos e desejos de uma semana de Paz.
Paulo Ferreira